Grow your business with Micro Events

While large events require large budgets, planning, and involve risks,
Micro Events are a very accessible tool for entrepreneurs to grow their business.

Compared to regular events, Micro Events are:

  • Limited in size, with typically a maximum of 40 participants (however, they can be much smaller);
  • Limited in duration, typically 1 to 3 hours;
  • Targeting a specific, well-defined audience (for example: eCommerce founders in Amsterdam)

Some of the benefits of Micro Events compared to regular events:

  • Micro Events are easier to organize than regular events;
  • There is a more personal connection between participants and organizer

Do you want to grow your business, generate sales, and attract clients, by organizing small events?

Check out the talk “Attract Clients with Fun Micro Events” by Marcel Wijermars below: